Howlite meaning and use

Helmsman Crystal Feb 05, 2024
Howlite meaning and use

What is howlite

Howlite is a borate gemstone with a monoclinic crystalline system structure with uneven nodules. Magnesite, another name for Howlite, has a high porosity. It has a white powdery color palette with black stripes, but may also be monochromatic. The importance of Howlite has to do with tolerance and perspective.

White turquoise is not a turquoise and there are obvious differences between them

Appearance Characteristics

White turquoise usually has a white tone and has irregular silver veins and patches on its background, these characteristics make it easy to be confused with turquoise, as the latter may also appear with a similar color and texture. However, true turquoise is considered a quality jade because of its distinctive blue tone, while white turquoise is relatively low end in this regard.

Texture and hardness

White turquoise has a lower hardness than turquoise, usually between 3.5 and 4.5, compared to turquoise, which can have a hardness of 5 to 6. This means turquoise is more resistant to abrasion than white turquoise and less susceptible to scratches.


Auspiciousness and success: White turquoise is often used to represent warmth, vitality and auspiciousness because of its unique color and texture.

It symbolizes eternity, success and happiness and is believed to help people realize their inner dreams.

Healing features of Howlite


Howlite is a rock that can help relax and calm OCD. Howlite can relieve psychological symptoms and other stress-related illnesses. These types of problems can have a bigger impact on a person's health than people think.

One reason is that excessive worry can disrupt your routine, leaving you exhausted and confused for weeks as you try to make up for lost rest. Day in and day out, Howlite is a beautiful gem for sleep and quiet relaxation. It is also very beneficial for the joints and can help treat conditions that affect the bones, such as arthritis.


Howlite is a powerful emotional and spiritual cleanser, Howlite is here connected to the head chakra, warning us not to dig the swamp because we may jump into serenity and wisdom. Howlite is also associated with the third eye chakra, where we can gain broad wisdom and deep spiritual insight.


For those who are anxious to get angry and upset, Howlite is like a cool drink on a sweltering day. It's a gem that reminds us that stopping to examine all options before reacting can often lead to more important results.

This crystal is an excellent stress and anxiety absorber, making it an excellent resource for ships in stressful situations. It encourages you to treat the environment with kindness and care, and to speak in a way that doesn't add fuel to the fire.

How to use howlite


When you meditate with Howlite, there is a strong soothing effect, grievances, anger, sadness and anxiety may be relieved. This will help reduce stress and cope easily with what is happening.

Domestic use

When you bring Howlite into your home, Howlite is mostly about detoxifying and eliminating anger cues. If you have any stress in your home and office, putting in a Howlite or hanging some Howlite pearls can help absorb negative energy and improve connectivity, and you can also put a Howlite crystal under your bed to work wonders for people who have trouble sleeping or whose brain stops functioning.

Wear howlite

Wearing Howlite can increase your mental alertness and help you attract wealth and prosperity. It may help you focus on your financial goals and identify innovative strategies to achieve them. The power of Howlite will also encourage you to come up with creative and beautiful concepts. It will help you stay motivated until you achieve your goals.

How to care for howlite

Howlite is a soft stone, so it is easy to scratch, so use lukewarm soapy water and a soft cloth (preferably cotton). Rinse well to remove residue and pat dry. If your gemstone is stained, do not immerse the stone in water. Store garnet wrapped in soft cloth in a separate box or bag to reduce the possibility of damage.

There are several ways to clean Howlite. One way is to leave it in the sun or moonlight for a while. Another way is to bury it in the earth for a while. As long as you give Howlite some care, he will exert his energy and bring you luck and wealth!