At HELMSMANCRYSTAL.COM, we respect and honor your privacy, which is why we set strict privacy policies.
On this page, we're going to take you through our entire Privacy Policy. This is important as understanding why, when, and how we gather customer information will help build trust between you and us.
Before we begin, let's get a couple of the main policies out of the way.
First up, you should know that HELMSMAN CRYSTAL has the right to change this Privacy Policy any time we see fit.
If you access our website ( that means you understand and agree to our Privacy Policies.
To cease us from collecting or using your information, stop using our website or availing of our services and goods.
We do not take responsibility for the privacy policies (and content) made by third parties.
Children below 16 years old should NOT provide their personal information to our website. We do NOT accept personal info from 16-year-olds unless they have a parental consent verification. If not, we will delete their information. This is to keep both our company and the child safe.
Website Security
When shopping with HELMSMAN CRYSTAL, you can be sure that we take every precaution to protect your confidential information.
We've implemented the use of the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol. This secures and protects transactions through credit cards by encrypting the information.
With SSL, your confidential information CAN'T be intercepted by any third party.
Gathering and Using Your Identifiable Information
When do we collect your information?
When you create an account on our website, communicate with us online, put in an order(s), enter our contests/surveys/promotions, browse our online shop, ask for a catalog, register for our newsletters...
We hold on to your information while we need it to fulfill its necessary purposes.
For example, we keep your info to provide you with our services or market/advertise these services to you. If that's no longer needed, we will let go of your information.
Business Purpose Collections
For business purposes, we collect this information from you:
Identifiable Information. This includes your real name, postal address, email address, aliases, IP (Internet Protocol), online identifiers, etc...
Business purpose: to help us meet your order(s), communicate with you directly, market/advertise our products, notify you of special promotions and offers, and know how you interact with our company/website...
Personal Information Categories. This includes your credit card number, telephone number, debit card number, further financial information, etc...
Business purpose: to help us meet your order(s), communicate with you directly and avoid fraud...
Electronic Information. This includes your Internet, search and browsing history, interaction with other websites, other electronic networks, etc...
Business purpose: to help us offer you related information/content, market/advertise our products, notify you of special promotions and offers, enhance our offerings to you, spot fraud, aid your requests, troubleshoot/monitor our website performance...
Commercial Information. This includes purchased services and/or products, purchase history, purchase tendencies, personal property records, etc...
Business purpose: to help us market/advertise our products, notify you of special promotions and offers, directly communicate with you, and know your interactions with our site and its offerings...
Geolocation Information.
Business purpose: to help us personalize our website experience, enable using our site, detect fraud...
Interest Information. This includes predictions set by our system generator, your preferences/interests, and inferences.
Business purpose: to help us personalize our website experience and enhance our offerings.
Business Purpose Sales
Know that we NEVER sell personal information to gain monetary perks.
Now, that does not mean we won't ever provide your personal information to third parties (you can be sure we do this without monetary perks). This occurs when you buy from us and we put your name, order information, email address, and address in a marketing database. From there, other companies can pick up your information and send you advertisements for their services and/or products.
Note that, though we don't get any monetary perks, this process is still considered a business "sale".
Of course, you have the option to refuse this "sale".
You can send an email to us at
You can also let someone else request to opt-out for you. However, we will deny any request from someone other than yourself to remove your info if he/she does not have written permission signed by you. This is done to protect your privacy.
After every 12 months, we will come back and ask if you want to put your personal information back on "sale".
Business Purpose Disclosure
The information we've collected for the past 12 months (and will collect) and disclosed (or will disclose) is:
To help us single out who you are, as well as provide you with our bonus perks program.
Marketing Service Providers, Email Service Providers, Drop Ship Vendor, Payment Processors, Internet Service Providers
Email address
To send you (through email) order confirmations, delivery delay notices, our offers and bonus perk program for members, updates of our email newsletters for subscribers...
Marketing Service Providers, Email Service Providers, Drop Ship Vendors, Payment Processors, Internet Service Providers
- Shipping address
To enable us to deliver your order(s) from our website, as well as provide you with our bonus perks program.
Marketing Service Providers, Payment Processors, Drop Ship Vendors, Internet Service Providers
- Telephone number
To contact you if ever there is a problem with order(s) delivery.
Internet Service Providers
Credit card details and billing information
To receive the payment for an order(s), as well as join our bonus perks program.
Internet Service Providers, Payment Processors
Name, family name, family member, and/or other personal information you want to put in customized order(s).
To help us create the personalized product(s) that you ordered.
Drop Ship Vendors
Purchase data, order history, shopping cart contents
To help us with refunds, exchanges, and gift certificates. Also, to help us market/advertise our other services/products to you.
Marketing Service Providers, Email Service Providers, Data Analytics Providers, Drop Ship Vendors, Payment Processors, Web Activity Trackers, Internet Service Providers
Cookies and IP address
To help us make your shopping experience as smooth as possible. We also use this information for troubleshooting, traffic trends, promotional offers, response rates, system administration, our help features, regional requirements, local currencies, etc... Get more ‘cookies’ information on the Cookies Policy page.
Marketing Service Providers, Web Activity Tracker, Data Analytics Provider
As we have to obey state, city, and country laws, we will submit your personal information should we have to in a legal process. This could be regarding legal obligations or legal protections in your state, city, or country... As well as to defend or exercise legal claims.
What if HELMSMAN CRYSTAL is sold to another company?
Should this unlikely event happen, we may disclose the personal information you gave us to the buyer only IF they abide by our Privacy Policy on this page.
Again, we hold on to your information as long as we need it to fulfill its necessary purposes. E.g. to provide you with our services or market/advertise these services to you.
Email List
If you want to subscribe to our email newsletters, you'll need to provide your email address and name.
To remove your subscription, simply click the 'unsubscribe' button below each of our emails or contact us at
Catalog Mailings
We give out our catalogs to our (existing and prospective) customers. But you can rest assured that we don't give out our list of catalog mailings to other companies.
To stop receiving our catalogs, contact us at and give us your address, name, and your blue code found on the back cover of the catalog.
Online Tracking
Know that our website supports Google Analytics. This means we can see your referring websites.
Know also that our website doesn't respond to the "do not track" indicator.
If you want to remove Google Analytics trackers, visit their page here and install their add-on to your browser. Check your browser's help resources to know how to install and uninstall this add-on.
GDPR Compliance
We, HELMSMAN CRYSTAL, agree to follow the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) requirements for citizens/residents of Switzerland and EU (European Union) countries.
If our Privacy Policy and other terms and conditions go against the GDPR requirements, the latter has more control.
The GDPR offers 8 rights to citizens/residents of EU countries that HELMSMAN CRYSTAL must abide by.
Here are the 8 rights:
Information Rights
With the GDPR terms, we are only allowed to collect your personal information (name, shipping address, email address, credit card details, telephone number, info for custom orders, etc...) if you purchase our products.
This information permits us to fulfill and process your order(s), as well as to update you on the status of your order(s).
To contact our customer service, you might want to provide your personal information depending on the nature of your concern. You can read more about this in our "Gathering and Using Your Identifiable Information" section on this page.
Access Rights
Our customers have the right to know where their data is stored, analyzed, and/or processed. They also have a right to receive a copy of this information in simple English terms.
If you want to request a copy, contact us at
Make sure you use the email you used for your transactions. Provide your payment info for account security, too.
Rectification Rights
Our customers can revise inaccurate or incomplete information.
They also have the right to remove their information from third-party disclosures.
If someone informs us that your information is inaccurate, and they can prove it, we will send you an email to change or rectify that information.
Erasure Rights
If you want to erase your information, you can inform us by sending an email.
However, you have to specify the reason or circumstance for the erasure.
Depending on several factors, we may or may not accept your request. These factors include legal rights to preserve your data under certain laws, as well as legal rights to hold the information you want to be deleted.
To be sure, we will inform you whether we accept your erasure request or not.
Process Restriction Rights
If you want to stop the process of your personal information for certain reasons, you have the right to go to HELMSMAN CRYSTAL and ask them to suspend it.
One reason for that is if you want to make sure your data is accurate. Or, you object to us using your data.
In the latter case, we have to first verify if we have legitimate and overriding grounds to keep and use your information.
If there is no reason to hold your information, your data process will be restricted. However, we can keep some of your information that respects the restriction process.
Data Portability Rights
You have the right to keep the data stored with us secure and safe, while still being usable. This means we can copy, transport, and move your data but in the safest and most secure way possible.
To take part in this data portability right, send us a request at To make it easier for us, make sure you put "REQUEST FOR PORTABLE DATA" as the subject.
Object Processing Rights
You have the right to object to the use of your personal information for marketing purposes. e.g. using your personal information, emails, or website content to advance direct marketing.
That said, that right might not include using your data for public and/or legitimate interests - statistics, history research, science...
To claim your object processing rights, send us a request at The subject should be "OBJECTION TO PROCESSING". Also, tell us if you object to marketing purposes only or all the other processes.
Automated Decision-Making Rights
We use personal information for profiling customers. This is usually done for direct marketing.
Now, when we send our advertisements and/or emails to you, it's done through automated means. The same is true if we respond to your action to that advertisement/email.
Do you want more information about our automated decision-making means?
Do you want to request a non-automated response if you follow up on one of our automated advertisements/emails?
If so, contact us at The subject should be titled "AUTOMATED DECISION-MAKING".
California Consumer Privacy Act
For California, we agree to follow the CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) requirements.
The California Consumer Privacy Act offers rights to our Californian consumers that HELMSMAN CRYSTAL must abide by.
Here are the rights:
It's your right to ask for disclosure on parts of our collection, as well as how we use your personal information. Here's a list of some of the information we disclose (once your request is verified):
Our collection of your personal information.
Where we collected your personal information.
Our collection of specific information about you.
The purpose for collecting and/or selling your personal information.
Your personal information that we disclosed or sold for business purposes.
The third-party businesses that we disclosed or sold your information to for business purposes.
It's your right to ask us to delete any of the personal information that we've collected. Once your request is verified, we will remove that information from our service providers and records. However, we won't delete the information if we need it to:
Complete your transactions.
Provide the services or products that you asked for.
Honor a returns policy agreement we made with you.
Detect against deceptive, illegal, fraudulent, and malicious activity.
Debug our products that diminish functionality.
Exercise rights are provided by the law.
Follow the requirements of the California Electronic Communications Privacy Act.
Align your expectations for internal users.
Observe legal obligations.
Lawfully provide what you needed when you gave us the information.
To take part in the rights we've mentioned above, email us a request at
Remember, these requests are only verifiable if you (or an authorized agent working for you) make them.
How do you authorize someone to do it for you?
You have to provide that person with written and signed permission. You also have to verify your identity and directly confirm the permission with us.
As the authorized agent, you don't need to be written and signed permission if you have a license. Or, if you are doing it on behalf of your child (he/she has to be a minor, though).
How does the verification process work?
Here's how:
Accounts Protected by Password - If your account has a password, you have to pass password authentication. If the password is correct, your request will be verified.
Accounts Not Protected by Password - If your account doesn't have a password, we will resort to asking for information about you found in our records. E.g. email address or zip code billing.
Things to note:
If you cannot identify or authorize yourself, we won't accept your request to see our collection disclosure or delete personal information.
You can make 2 requests a year without having to pay a fee.
You don't need an account to make one of these requests.
We only use specific personal information to verify the identity of the requestor.
It takes 45 days before we respond to a request made to us. If we need more time to verify the request, we will keep you informed as to why we extended the time. (This can take around 90 days.)
We respond to your request through your account's email. If you don't have an account, we respond through mail delivery or (if you like) electronically.
If we accept your collection disclosure request, know that we only disclose information from the last 12 months.
If we don't accept your request, you can be sure that we will explain the reason for our decline.
You have every right to exercise your CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) rights. We won't ever discriminate or disregard those rights. We won't discriminate/disregard your rights by:
Preventing you from availing of our services and/or products.
Giving you different price rates for our services and/or products. (This includes discounts, penalties, and other benefits.)
Offering a lower level of quality to our services and/or products.
Suggesting to give you lower quality services and/or products, as well as suggesting different price rates.
As permitted by CCPA, we can provide financial incentives that result in different levels of quality and/or price rates. If you want to participate in this program, you will have to send us consent. Don't worry, you can always revoke your participation any time you want.
Changes to Our Privacy Policy
Every now and then, we make changes to this Privacy Policy.
If the changes we make are material, you'll know about them. We will make sure that you're informed by posting about it on our website and/or sending you an email about the changes.
Contact Us
Do you have any questions about procedures, privacy policies, or data changes? Contact us at
December 1, 2022, was the last update to our Privacy Policy.